I still say try replacing the RAM and then booting it up again. Or if you have 
a lot of RAM in there, try taking out all of the sticks except that one and 
boot just from that stick of RAM (if that one stick has a gigabyte on it, you 
should be fine).

Usually when an OpenSolaris machine is crashing all the time on me like this, I 
just take out some of the sticks of RAM and everything works fine once I find 
out which stick is the bad stick and which sticks are the good sticks.

Sounds strange, I know, but this is a 100% true story.

You have to use a process of elimination (booting up with only one stick of RAM 
at a time) to find out which sticks of RAM are bad and which are good (i.e. if 
it doesn't crash when I have this stick of RAM in this position, then this 
stick is good, if it crashes with just this other stick by itself in then that 
stick is bad).
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