could any one plz help me to figure out the problem creating an ISO image for 
I want to recreate the iso image as i can make further improvement later. 
I stared with the following steps.
1.Extracted my existing ISO using the following command.
  lofiadm -a "file.iso" /dev/lofi/1
2.mounted it to the /mnt directory by the command 
  mount -F nsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
3.copied it to the desired folder mysolaris.
 cp -r /mnt/ "/path_of_folder/mysolaris"
4.some links have not been copied so copied those using the command
 ln -s "target" "folder_pointing_to_target"
5.Created iso from new_directory mysolaris.
"mkisofs -o opensolaris.iso -b boot/grub/stage2_eltorito -c .catalog 
-no-emul-boot -boot-info-table -relaxed-filenames -N -L -l -R -J -d -D -V 
OpenSolaris new_directory"
    After all this the iso is created but its not booting. Need help soon.
thank you.
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