> I suggest in the smb.conf man page is the "right"
> place.

I suspect this problem is due to the Samba man pages on (Open)Solaris being 
made from the upstream source from samba.org with the addition of extra stuff 
on the end (the Solaris-specific "attributes" section for example). You might 
want to file a bug on bugs.opensolaris.org for the (Open)Solaris Samba man page.

> The "smbd" man page would be a close second since it
> is the 'customer' of smb.conf.
> There is also opensolaris specific stuff at the end
> of the "samba" man page, so that is also arguable.
> My path:
> Some postings say that samba is installed in
> /opt/csw, smbd being put in sbin, smb.conf in etc.
> Some say /usr/swf

The reason for these different locations is that not everyone uses the version 
of Samba supplied with (Open)Solaris. /opt/csw is where CSW stuff goes (from 
www.opencsw.org or blastwave.org).

> smbd man page suggests under /usr/lib/smbsrv since

Only on Linux, which puts things in the wrong place.

> that is where smbd is (but is not)
> find / -name smb.conf    finds nothing
> Eventually I found /var/samba/log/smbd.log, which
> says that it cannot open /etc/swf/smb.conf
> OH!  The example is smb.conf-example ... OK, makes
> sense.


find / -name \*smb\*


find / -name \*samba\*


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