When I type characters in a dtterm they go all the way to the end of the 
window, regardless of how long I've sized it, and then wrap to the next line.

When I try to type a long command in a gnome terminal, regardless of how long 
I've sized the window, the characters wrap at some predetermined line length 
and then, unbelievably, wrap to the beginning of the SAME LINE, covering the 
characters I've already typed, and making edits almost impossible.

A helpful person replied to another of my cries for help using gnome 
(http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=86156) by explaining that 
the problem was the terminfo entry(s).  Is that the case here?  Can I just find 
an old terminfo file?

Can gnome be configured to be usable?
Can I still get the SUNWdt* packages?
Is there another alternative?
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