
On SunOS 5.11 snv_90, I'm trying to read tar tapes with block sizes of 2097152 (tar xb 4096) byte blocks but get "tar: tape read error" when trying. I tried increasing the kernel "maxphys" value to 2816000 and rebooted which seems to have gotten past one hurdle, but now I'm still getting the same error with the following in the logs:

Mar 2 13:48:02 xxx rootnex: [ID 561485 kern.warning] WARNING: adpu320: coding error detected, the driver is using ddi_dma_attr(9S) incorrectly. There is a small risk of data corruption in particular with large I/Os. The driver should be replaced with a corrected version for proper system operation. To disable this warning, add 'set rootnex:rootnex_bind_warn=0' to /etc/system(4). Mar 2 13:48:02 xxx scsi: [ID 107833 kern.notice] /p...@0,0/pci8086,2...@2/pci8086,3...@0,3/pci9005,4...@2/s...@a,0 (st9):
Mar  2 13:48:02 xxx     Read Write scsi_init_pkt() failure
Mar 2 13:48:02 xxx scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: /p...@0,0/pci8086,2...@2/pci8086,3...@0,3/pci9005,4...@2/s...@a,0 (st9): Mar 2 13:48:02 xxx errors after pkt alloc (b_flags=0x2200065, b_error=0x16)

It actually read the first file after increasing "maxphys" before the above errors were then logged. Another pair of errors is logged each time I try now. Does anyone know how I can read large-block tapes on Solaris 5.11?



Arthur A. Person
Research Assistant, System Administrator
Penn State Department of Meteorology
email:  per...@meteo.psu.edu, phone:  814-863-1563
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