
I'm after some help to troubleshoot a system lockup .. I'm not sure what is 
causing the issue, there is nothing unusual appearing in the logs 
(messages/syslog etc) and I've enabled coredumps, nothing there either. The 
lockups are occurring a few times a day. 

I haven't been able to reliably reproduce the issue, nor have I been able to 
find any common pattern of use prior to the lockup.

I'm running opensolaris snv_118 on a  HP dc7800p (Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU 
E6550 @ 2.33GHz XU1 PROCESSOR) I typically run VirtualBox, Firefox, a few 
Terminal windows and maybe a rdesktop session.

I am relatively new to opensolaris and I'm no kernel engineer, but I would like 
to troubleshoot the issue; I'm just not sure where to start, or how to zero in 
on the cause/issue. Can anyone give me any pointers/troubleshooting 
methodologies/tips/guides to help narrow down the field?

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