You can't grow the 30gb partition to take up the free space, since you can't 
grow the physical devices that belong to a zpool: you can only add storage to a 
zpool by adding devices.

The best thing would be to delete the 30 gb partition (copying any data you 
want to preserve) and create a new 200 gb partition using parted, and reinstall 
OpenSolaris. (I don't know if the the installer will create a new partition 
from free space, so you might as well create the new one when you delete the 
old one.)

If you don't want to do that, you might try creating a new 170 gb partition and 
adding it to your existing root zpool (again, backing up any data you want to 
preserve, since this procedure is not officially supported), but even if that 
works, it is not recommended to have more than one partition belonging to a 
given zpool on the same drive.
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