I have read a bit about ZFS expansion but there is a few things I still do not 
understand from a best practices point of view,.

My situation is this.  I have an opensolaris system built up as a media server 
serving several rooms in my house.  you can read about my system here:

Believe it or not, I am out of room!  I need to more storage to the system and 
have done so by adding a second supermicro controller (AOC-SAT2-MV8) and four 
more WD15eads drives.  This maxes out my case now as I have 11 drives installed 
in a mid tower configuration.

The challenge of this server is that the target playback device which is a 
PCH(popcorn hour A110) cannot mount more than one network share at a time.  I 
current have my main pool mounted on the PCH, but have run into a snag getting 
the second pool attached.  I through my options would be to somehow create a 
shortcut (mountpoint, softlink, whatever) for the second pool into my main pool 
but I have not gotten that to work.  When I try to add the devices to my pool i 
get a RAID config mismatch warning since my primary pool is RAIDZ2 and the new 
pool is RAIDz1.

I have enough external storage (about 6TB) so I could backup the entire 
collection to the external storage and start over but I am trying to avoid 
that.  Anyone have any suggestions as to what I can try?  

I could not get the softlink to work since sharing as NFS does not seem to 
traverse the link to show the contents of the second pool.  Sharing as SMB just 
doesn't work, it never shows up on the PCH but on a windows machine the 
softlink shows up as a unix executable!?

If I take down the entire system can I build one large pool which is uniform in 
RAID type (Z2) but spans disks on both controllers?  

Any help would be appreciated and keep in mind I am trying to avoid the whole 
backup/restore scenario.
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