Dear All,

I have now managed to get a SunBlade 1000 running OpenSolaris 2009.06 but
from the dev repository.  I mostly followed instructions from a posting in
install >> discuss plus a few other bits.  I did it by first installing Nevada 
and then building IPS to run on that and then used pkg to get the OpenSolaris 
and so on.

Anyway, I have a couple of problems and I was hoping someone might have some 

Having got OpenSolaris going, it can't find a device driver
for the display adapter so I can run X on console.  The SunBlade 1000
has a "SUN PGX64" display adapter card.  I get the following message
as part of the boot sequence.

Dec  8 04:44:25 unknown consconfig_dacf: [ID 615089 kern.warning] WARNING: 
consconfig: cannot find driver for screen device /p...@8,700000/SUNW,m...@1

Also, at present, if I try to ssh into the machine from elsewhere (another 
OpenSolaris machine),
I get messages about not being able to agree algorithms.

ssh newmachine
no common kex alg: client 
'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1', server 

Can anyone offer comments/help on either the above??


Dave Price
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