FUSE stands for Filesystem in userspace. which doesn't necessarily mean that 
there's a performance degradation. When I checked zfs-fuse on my CentOS 5.3 
box, the speeds I got were similar to the speeds I am getting from the same 
hardware running OpenSolaris.

ZFS is indeed a very powerful file system, but that doesn't mean, that it's out 
of the box configuration is suitable for the hardware you have at hand.

And... ZFS loves Ram - the more the better. When I started playing with ZFS it 
seemd to me that ZFS didn't hold up to what it promised, but since then I have 
gathered some more experience and now my ZFS storage is performing really well.

Just a couple of quick numbers. I am running my OpenSolaris box on a Dell PE 
R610 with 32 GB RAM and an E.on Store Sata2FC Raid with 2 logical volumes 
containing 8  SATA drives each.

I am getting 360 MB/Sec read and write, when running my backup 2 disk to it.

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