Yeah. In reading about problems people are having with eSATA port multipliers, 
it looks like I'm going to have to add some hot swap bays to my tower for 
backups. (unless there's a cheaper way to back up 4TB+?) That will mean I will 
need more ports than I have, so I guess I'm stuck buying a new card.

So you mentioned the AOC-USAS-S8i ($200) and then AOC-USAS2-L8i ($150). Do you 
have any idea why the faster one is cheaper? The S8i doesn't seem to be 
production anymore, but it would be nice not to have to run an unstable build 
of OpenSolaris.

I was looking at the AOC-SAT2-MV8 ($100) earlier today. All my drives are SATA. 
Would I be missing out on much if I chose this card? Does anyone have any 
experience with it?

You mentioned a card causing you some data loss. I have nightmares about this 
sort of thing. Should I not trust my onboard SATA controllers? Maybe trust the 
Intel one but not the Marvell one?
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