Interesting that those drives are working well for you.  Do you think you get 
such good speeds because you have the stripped across 2 raidz2 arrays?  My 
budget wont allow for 12 drives currently - so that is not really an option for 
me currently.

How full are you file systems?  How long does the scrub take?

I would prefer to go with 5 1.5TB Green drives if I think I could get good 
enough performance in one raidz2 array.  I have just read in the ZFS forum 
people mentioning that drives over 1 TB are so big that scrubs and/or 
resilvering takes forever.  

I am hoping to not need a ZIL..  Anywhere that I can mount with NFS I can also 
mount with CIFS.  I may look at adding a ZIL if I end up doing NFS - it may be 
faster (with a ZIL) from my linux/macs.

Does your recommendation for dual over quad still stand if I am planning on 
doing dedup/compression on my backup and documents filesystems?  I forgot to 
mention that in my initial posting, which I know is a glaring omission.
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