On 10-May-2010, at 11:06 AM, Mark J. Nelson wrote:

> <clipping noise>

> I apologize.  As your note indicates, this paragraph was stale information.
> A recent integration reworked pfexec, and moved the creation of the
> pfksh link from the closed code to the open pfexec code.
>> Here I believe is the key. My source tree still has usr/src/cmd/pfexec and I 
>> looked at the install target which has the following:
>>    for s in $(BINSHELLS) ; do \
>>        $(RM) $(ROOTBIN)/pf$$s; \
>>        $(LN) $(ROOTBIN)/pfexec $(ROOTBIN)/pf$$s; \
>>    done
>> So, the error is not that pfksh is old junk in my tree, but that I somehow 
>> still have usr/src/cmd/pfexec in my tree which has been moved to the closed 
>> binary package. Do you concur?
> Close.  The actual link creation code for pfksh is a little bit below
> the code you quoted, because it lives in $ROOTHASBIN instead of $ROOTBIN.
> So the real error is that the pfexec link for pfksh is created by the
> open build, but the package that delivers it (shell/ksh88) is marked as
> nonredistributable, so the link is in the proto area but not delivered
> by an open build.
> The fix should be to add usr/has/bin/pfksh to
> $CODEMGR_WS/exception_lists/packaging.open.
> If you confirm that takes care of your problem, I'll integrate it.  It's
> possible that the link count may then be wrong for pfexec, and protocmp
> will complain.  In that case, I'll figure out the best way to silence
> it, probably via an RFE against validate_pkg.  We have one case of an
> isaexec hardlink to a closed binary that causes the same kind of
> warning, and it would be nice to get it cleaned up more generally.

Adding pfksh to packaging.open prevented the cpio archive errror.

I'm now getting the following warnings/errors during the build. The first three 
don't seem like a big deal, but the error with in.iked is worrisome because 
in.iked is an unknown binary. isaexec is 9072 bytes and in.iked is 9376. The 
actual in.iked binaries which are found in the architecture dependent 
directories are 330k (i86) and 403k (amd64). Any ideas here?

As I stated, for this build I removed the proto directory.

==== Validating manifests against proto area ====

Entries present in proto area but not manifests:
        file opt/onbld/bin/bfudrop group=group mode=0555 owner=owner 
        file opt/onbld/bin/onblddrop group=group mode=0555 owner=owner 
        file opt/onbld/bin/sdrop group=group mode=0555 owner=owner 

Entries that differ between manifests and proto area:
     manifests hardlink path=usr/lib/inet/in.iked target=usr/lib/isaexec
    proto area file usr/lib/inet/in.iked group=group mode=0555 owner=owner 

> Sorry to not look more closely the first time.
> --Mark

Rick McNeal

“If you see a man approaching you with the obvious intent of doing you good, 
you should run for your life.” —Henry David Thoreau 

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