You say you cannot get into the export directory do you mean the 
pa...@opensolaris-2:~$ ls -l /export
total 2
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4 2010-05-12 09:29 home

What are the permissions on it?
Using the pfexec command gives you accelerated rights i.e. 

drwx------  2 root  root         2 2010-07-23 12:11 testsdir

Only root can do anything with this.

pa...@opensolaris-2:~$ ls -l ./testsdir/
ls: cannot open directory ./testsdir/: Permission denied

Using pfexec

pa...@opensolaris-2:~$ pfexec ls -l ./testsdir/
total 0

You could get hold of the OpenSolaris Bible  by Solter, Jelinek and Miner 
published by Wiley, it's actually very good IMHO! (Well I gave it a good review 
on Amazon)
Hope this helps
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