On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 02:58:19 PDT
Peter Steiner <pxstei...@yahoo.ca> wrote:

> When I type at the command prompt:
> ps -ef|grep foobar
> then all the processes which contain the pattern "foobar" are listed.
> Unfortunately the last column (=with the start command) is automatically cut 
> after approx. 50 chars.
> How can I display the real full, uncut command?

First, it's not clear you can do that at all. The OS may only store
part of that string other than the prcoesses copy, and the process can
(and some do) change that value.

The easy way is to use the (undocumented in the man page) BSD
compatible option "w". Unfortunately, you can't mix the two option
sets, so you'll have to figure out which BSD options give you the set
of processes and columns you want along with the long command line.

I habitually use "ps auxww" (note no "-" - bsd ps doesn't require it,
and that triggers the BSD mode of /usr/bin/ps), which is all processes
(ax) in a "user" (u) format. No w option truncates each line at 80
characters, one w option truncates each line at 132 characters, and
two w options doesn't truncate it at all.

Mike Meyer <m...@mired.org>             http://www.mired.org/consulting.html
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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