> From: opensolaris-help-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:opensolaris-help-
> boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of David Smith
> I'm somewhat new to solaris and have been trying out solaris express (nee
> opensolaris) first on VirtualBox for about a year, and more recently on a
> multiboot hdd install (xp, solaris & fedora 14, with the mbr pointing to
> grub).
> After some recent, intermittent boot difficulties (apparently the bios is
> occasionally not recognizing the mbr and/or partition table), I checked
> partitition layout using gparted both from a fedora live cd and, when the
> was again bootable (with no intervention), from the hd-installed fedora.
> Both instances showed the mysterious appearance of 3 'extra' solaris
> partitions that mirror the original in size, appended after the original,
> solaris partition.  Interestingly, the new partitions are not showing up
> gparted run from solaris express, or by "fdisk -l" in the fedora terminal.
> I suspect these may have something to do with zfs snapshots, even though I
> have not enabled them in the "Time Slider"... is that a reasonable
> assumption? Any reason to be alarmed? Is solaris express rewriting the
> partititon table in such a way as to be the source of my intermittent boot
> problems? How can I manage this situation?

Nothing to do with snapshots.
Snapshots are stored as references within the the existing data pool.  There
are no extra partitions.

The reason you're seeing partition table weirdness is because solaris uses
the BSD Disklabel partitioning scheme, while Windows & Linux use GPT or MBR
partition tables.  They're not generally compatible with each other...

I would normally say you can't multi-boot windows/linux/solaris, but I'm
sure that's an overstatement.  More accurately, I think, you probably can
(but I would say shouldn't) and you'll just have to google around to find
resources explaining what tricks are necessary to make it work right.

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