Well that was a futile exercise in barking up the wrong tree.

Turns out that the "findroot (pool_rpool,1,a)" config in grub was the issue.

I changed this to "findroot (pool_rpool,0,a)" and it boots off the mirrored 
disk just fine. I have since replaced both 250G HDDs with 750G HDDs with a 
series of detach, attach, resilver operations and now have upgraded both disks 
in my mirrored zfs root pool without reinstalling the OS from scratch.

I'm guessing my original disk booted from partition 1 but I can't confirm this 
without removing disks and re-installing the original although I'm fairly 
certain all disks were partitioned the same way. I guess it falls down to my 
lack of understanding of the parameters for pool_rpool. Does anyone have any 
info on pool_rpool? There's no man page for pool_rpool and neither installgrub 
or bootadm have any info on it. Most google hits seem to just be examples of a 
grub config.

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