I had a gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 motherboard. There were only four SATA 2 ports on 
board. I supplemented this with a PCI SATA expansion card, unbranded from China.

On the mother board itself were two 60gig SSD drives and also the CD/DVD rom 
unit. I had the two drives together, both bootable in case of failure.

Three 1.5tb drives were connected to the expansion card and configured RAIDZ.

I'm on OS 134 having installed the development version 133 (I had to jump .. I 
think it was 126 was the known bad build) and then upgraded.

Needless to say, everything was running fine until the Chinese expansion card 
decided to play silly fish on one of the channels. I bit the bullet and got a 
new MB/processor/RAM combo.

mb is Gigabyte GA-H55M-HD2-H and the processor is an i3 540 3.06gb.  (4gig of 
ram, up from 2gig)

I knew it was going to be a long shot, but I transferred the hard drives over 
and, of course, it won't boot properly.

I can't select the 133 because it can't see the rpool (presumably a ZFS version 
issue) and when I select the 134 version, the following happens...

The Open Solaris Splash Screen comes up, I keep pressing ESC to hopefully get 
the text display, but that doesn't work. The bar makes perhaps three orange 
progress jumps, to about 5% of the distance, and then the system reboots.

Now ... here's the biggie.

I'm presuming that my Zpool is on version 22.

I chose Open Solaris for home because not only did I want ZFS on the root 
partition, but I use Solaris at work so I wanted to keep my hand in at home.

There is serious talk about, when our Sun servers go end of life, migrating to 
HP hardware and running RHEL - combined with the fact that I really don't know 
what Sun is doing with the open side, this is not an easy decision to make.

If I read Solaris 11 Express licencing correctly, then I can't use it at home 
on a permanent basis.

That means (if I've got it right) that I can either work towards getting this 
OS installation back on its feet, or look for another distro that will do what 
I want and likely be a stable future.

I've got Fuse 0.6.9 running very nicely on Ubuntu, but ... heck, darn and 
shucks ... I'm almost in love with Open Solaris and this is breaking my heart.

So ... I need some help please.

1) Do I get this OS 134 back on its feet or not

2) if not, what OS should I go for that will give me ZFS on the root drives

3) Am I, as a home user, really excluded from Express 11?

4) Does anyone know of a 134 64 bit install CD please?
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