Ok, so my system seemed to crashing (not sure why). I noticed that my database 
had crashed and I couldn't login to bring it backup. So I decide to reset the 
system via lom. Maybe not the best choice, but that's what I chose. I'm not 
really a sysadm but have that responsibility with this box. Anyway . . .

I telneted in to this IP and got the ok prompt, typed #. got the lom prompt and 
typed reset. Seemed to get hung on:

{/N0/SB4/P3/C0} Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
{/N0/SB4/P3/C0} Use is subject to license terms.
{/N0/SB4/P2/C1} @(#) lpost 5.20.6 2007/05/23 08:56
{/N0/SB4/P2/C1} Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
{/N0/SB4/P2/C1} Use is subject to license terms.
{/N0/SB4/P3/C1} @(#) lpost 5.20.6 2007/05/23 08:56
{/N0/SB4/P3/C1} Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
{/N0/SB4/P3/C1} Use is subject to license terms.

. . . not knowing what to do I typed ^] to get telnet prompt and typed quit 
thinking I would simply start over. Obviously not a good thing. Now when I 
telnet back in, I never get any prompt to do anything.

What can I do to get by this and reboot/reset my box?

Thanks in advance for any help.
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