Hi everyone,

I have a strange problem I somehow cannot get the hang of and would really 
apreciate your help. Maybe I am not seeing something totally obvious, but I 
just don't get it.

My server is in Germany: CE(S at the moment)T, respectively UTC+2 (UTC+1 
without summertime).

I noticed my system clock running 2 hours late. When I change the time using 
date or ntpdate the command reports back with the correct time but seconds 
later when I fire "date" again, the clock is back to its wrong setting. And 
this happens even when ntpd is not running!

Timezone setting seems ok to me:
~# cat /etc/TIMEZONE
# [...]

~# set
# [...]

Now, with the NTP service disabled, I do the following:
~# svcadm disable ntp
~# ps -A | grep ntp
~# ntpdate 0.de.pool.ntp.org 1.de.pool.ntp.org 2.de.pool.ntp.org 
 5 Aug 22:44:53 ntpdate[15182]: step time server offset 
3613.418971 sec
~# date
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 20:44:55 Uhr CEST     # wtf?
~# date 0805224411
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 22:44:00 Uhr CEST
~# date
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 20:44:01 Uhr CEST     # he keeps doing it...

No matter how I set the date, time keeps jumping back 2 hours.

Now start NTPd and try again:
~# svcadm enable ntp
~# ps -A | grep ntp
15324 ?           0:00 ntpd
~# date
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 18:46:03 Uhr CEST     # thanks ntpd for giving me 
another 2 hours of extra-time!
~# date 0805224611
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 22:46:00 Uhr CEST
~# date
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 20:46:01 Uhr CEST

So whenever I start up the NTPd, it sets my clock back by 2 hours?
~# date
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 20:47:44 Uhr CEST
~# svcadm disable ntp
~# date
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 20:48:02 Uhr CEST
~# svcadm enable ntp
~# date
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 20:48:10 Uhr CEST

No, doesn't seem like it's setting the clock back by a set amount, it seems to 
set it to a given timezone, but why is NTPd's CEST off by two hours?

Try something else: 
~# svcadm disable ntp
~# date
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 20:53:09 Uhr CEST
~# date 0805235311  # setting time one hour early vs. real CEST!
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 23:53:00 Uhr CEST
~# date
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 21:53:01 Uhr CEST # system sets it back by two hours?
~# svcadm enable ntp
~# date
Freitag,  5. August 2011, 19:53:13 Uhr CEST # ntpd sets it back another two 

Well - I do not know what else I can try. I tried using TZ=CET instead of the 
Europe/Berlin, but the system does just the same.

As I said in the beginning - I'd be really interested to find out what's wrong 

Thanks in advance!
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