Hello guys,

I have just installed Nexentastor (don't shoot me) which uses in fact an 
underlying Opensolaris system (don't know which version though and uname or cat 
/etc/release lists Nexenta).
My system is composed of:
X7SPA-HF-D525 Supermicro Mainboard
8 GB Kingston SSD for OS
4 x 1 TB Samsung Green F3 HDDs for storage pool
1 x Crucial Real SSD 64 GB for L2ARC

When I attempt to issue poweroff from the shell most of the time it hangs with 
Syncing file system...done
When running init 5, sometimes it shuts down, sometimes it doesn't (80% of 
times it failes).

What I've tried so far and think I might have isolated the problem / reached a 
a) booting from an OpenSolaris Live CD I was able to shutdown the machine 2 
times (don't know if it works for more attempts as I haven't tried it)
b) I set 
mdb -wk
pcplusmp`psm_verbose/W 7

this produced after syncing file systems, the output: acpi poweroff and nothing 
c) removing the audio driver 
booting grub with parameter: -B disable-audiohd=true
This was reported in the past (2009) to have worked for someone but for me it 
produced no change.
d)  added psradm -f 0 1 2 3 in 
before the init 5 command
=> no change
e) booted grub with acpi-user-options=2 (NO ACPI)
This made both init 5 and poweroff to result at the end in "Press any key to 
reboot" so the scripts never did freeze again but I can't shutdown the system 
this way and I no longer see the virtual processors (just a single one for my 
dual core which is normal behaviour with acpi disabled).
f) updated BIOS thinking that it might be an issue there but still no change

I've also added here the ouputs of various commands:
1. prtdiag -v:
2. pci list of devices:
3. Attached also my prtconf -v

Can anyone help ?
I've tried about everything I could find on the net and am still banging my 
head against the wall.

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