Yes, there is a way, Tigro.

In the Multi-Process
that we started back when AWG was active, we loosely defined
"Facility Optimization", which would be done mainly through communication *

The general idea is that if profiling shows that the job being done by a
socket-linked plugin is being held back by socket throughput or latency or
by serialization overheads, then an *accelerator *pathway can be added
between viewer and plugin.  In most cases this would involve setup of a
shared memory segment for exclusive use by the viewer and this one single
plugin.  Every plugin requiring such acceleration would have its own
"private" shared memory segment, shared only with the viewer, not with other

Using shared memory means that socket and serialization overheads vanish
completely of course, since data transfer can be done by reference.  As
always though, there is a tradeoff:  the viewer is now involved in two-party
multiprogramming with respect to each accelerated plugin.  As anyone who has
worked in concurrency knows, here be dragons.

Nevertheless, it is perfectly viable for occasional, narrowly-defined high
speed tasks.  This would require special programming within the viewer, both
to manage shared memory segments and also to implement the by-reference
communications system, for instance using mailboxes or atomic variables.
While viable, it would not be easy, and one might wish to question (on a
case-by-case basis) whether dynamically loading a shared native code library
might not be more appropriate.

Still, such accelerators could be used if desired, and if they are
implemented *transparently* so that any plugin could have its socket pathway
accelerated on demand then this would be a major win for all data-intensive



On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Tigro Spottystripes <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Would there be an approach that would allow both all the benefits you
> mention, plus letting the process based plugins have access to the bare
> metal performance? (somthing like a way to have the plugins instruct the
> client to add the desired processing routines to it's per frame cycle or
> whatever) Perhaps an hybrid approach, where with secure sockets
> communication and perhaps user intervention (a dialog to grant or deny
> access to an specific plugin) the external plugins could interface with
> the client guts like DLE plugins?
> Actually, how much is the performance loss if the plugins aren't of the
> DLE kind?
> On 8/3/2010 05:22, Morgaine wrote:
> > Ricky, I'm not sure even where to begin, because your proposed solution
> > is simply direct embedding of one or more scripting language systems
> > into the address space of the viewer.  This ignores every single
> > advantage of process-separated plugins and replaces them with a catalog
> > of problems that could fill a book.
> >
> > Direct embedding is what everyone does when they want a simplistic
> > sequential scripting facility for configuring or testing a host
> > application.  We haven't proposed it ourselves not because we've had a
> > brain lapse and can't see the simplest solution, but because the
> > simplest solution is a complete disaster when misapplied as a general
> > scripting facility for user-written extensions.  I regularly embed Lua
> > into host programs your way, but using that approach here would have so
> > many disadvantages and so few advantages that I have avoided it
> > intentionally.
> >
> > I'll try to summarize some key issues for you, although this will leave
> > much unsaid.  Let's call the conventional approach Direct Language
> > Embedding, or *DLE* for brevity.
> >
> >     * Unlike process-based plugins, DLE normally provides no concurrent
> >       execution.  This means that if you want your plugins to execute
> >       concurrently you will have to implement either multitasking or
> >       threading in the viewer, both of which involve shared-state
> >       multiprogramming.
> >
> >     * Shared-state multiprogramming is hard and error-prone because of
> >       race conditions, non-determinacy, atomicity and locking,
> >       transactional integrity, as well as deadlock, livelock, and
> >       various other highly unfriendly critters.  I'm not going to
> >       justify this further here as it would take too long, but I did my
> >       research in this area, and anyone who thinks it's not hard needs
> >       to study the topic another 10 years.  A reliable solution requires
> >       operating system quality design, so this job really needs to be
> >       left to the operating system,
> >
> >     * Because shared-state multiprogramming is hard, the execution
> >       engine for client-side scripts would be large, complex, and very
> >       hard to get right.  It would be literally a multi-year effort to
> >       make it work correctly, and it would always be hanging by a thread
> >       because full-coverage testing is very difficult owing to state
> >       complexity and timing dependencies.
> >
> >     * In contrast to DLE, process-based plugins would not require any
> >       multiprogramming in the viewer at all.  The C++ host side can be
> >       completely sequential in its processing of messages arriving from
> >       plugins, while the plugins themselves would run with full
> >       concurrency courtesy of the operating system.  This makes for
> >       simple, reliable, and determinist viewer code.
> >
> >     * DLE would add the entire code and data space of each embedded
> >       language runtime into the viewer's address space.  This is bloat
> >       with a capital 'B', and because virtually every language has a
> >       different embedding mechanism into the hosting C++ code, there
> >       will be very little code reuse.  Application stability is
> >       inversely proportional to application size, so bloating the viewer
> >       is asking for trouble, not to mention large maintenance costs.
> >
> >     * Because of the preceding issue, in practice DLE will never allow
> >       more than one or two different language runtimes to be integrated
> >       into the viewer, and hence a language-agnostic approach to
> >       client-side scripting is effectively barred.
> >
> >     * Without language agnosticism, a small proportion of users will be
> >       favored by the chosen language or runtime while a larger
> >       proportion will be disadvantaged and their primary skills will not
> >       be harnessed.  This is a waste of people's skills, time and
> >       productivity.
> >
> >     * Without language agnosticism, you are stuck with the facilities
> >       provided by the chosen languages or runtime.  If another language
> >       has a great feature that is highly appropriate for a particular
> >       plugin task, too bad, you cannot use it.  This is not very
> >       empowering, and it's an unnecessary restriction.
> >
> >     * With DLE, the language runtimes would be directly /linked/ with
> >       the viewer code, and hence licensing restrictions would come into
> >       play.  This would add a whole new rat's nest of problems and
> >       effectively make embedding of many useful languages impossible,
> >       whereas the license barrier provided by sockets avoids this issue
> >       entirely.
> >
> >     * Because all plugins run in the address space of the viewer in DLE,
> >       the opportunity for programs to interfere with each other or with
> >       the viewer is large.  The viewer's stability drops to that of its
> >       least stable plugin.
> >
> >     * With DLE, security is a nightmare.  Every 3rd party plugin can
> >       potentially alter something in the viewer unless it runs
> >       sandboxed, but if it runs sandboxed then it cannot provide much
> >       (or any) local interfacing, so the power of such plugins is weak.
> >       Fast C/C++ plugins are almost out of the question for this reason.
> >
> >     * Even if low inherent power is accepted so that sandboxing can
> >       provide security, this sandboxing can only ever be relatively weak
> >       /software sandboxing/ because the plugin code and data lie within
> >       the address space of the host application.  This contrasts
> >       markedly with plugins implemented as system processes, which are
> >       backed by the much stronger guarantees of isolation provided by
> >       the system's hardware MMU, even if plugins are written in
> >       bare-metal C/C++.
> >
> >     * Because DLE runs plugins as part of the host application, the
> >       standard system tools for working with processes cannot easily be
> >       used.  Even basic facilities such as killing a script would have
> >       to be implemented from scratch within the multiprogramming
> >       environment, instead of using the existing operating system kill
> >       command.  The same applies to profiling, performance monitoring,
> >       debugging, optimizing, and so on --- all are much more difficult
> >       within the host application, or not even viable.  (An example of
> >       this problem is provided by SL's Mono subsystem, which *still* has
> >       no means of unloading sim-side Mono assemblies after script
> >       termination, simply because the unload facility was never written.)
> >
> >     * DLE requires that user programming of plugins be done in an
> >       environment of special calls to the host application so that
> >       plugins can cooperate properly with the host's code, and this has
> >       to be done very carefully to avoid damaging the host.  It is very
> >       distant from the simplicity and safety of programming external
> >       processes, which can use stock textbook styles and the normal
> >       libraries for the language.  DLE really needs client-side plugin
> >       programmers to be relative experts, while process-based plugins
> >       are safe enough for a much larger and less expert audience to
> program.
> >
> >
> > This list of negatives could easily grow a lot longer, but to bring it
> > to a close I'll just mention that DLE has some advantages too, but they
> > are remarkably few in number.
> >
> > The most important one is that the interface to viewer facilities can be
> > very thin and hence fast.  For example, if the purpose of a plugin is to
> > render fast GL graphics then DLE is a good approach, albeit for single
> > plugins only.  In addition, as long as no concurrent execution is
> > required, implementing DLE can be done in under a day (at least for
> > Lua), plus a few weeks for defining API functions.  It's really that
> simple.
> >
> > However, the vast majority of plugin applications do not require bare
> > metal speed, and what's more, concurrent execution of plugins is a
> > mandatory requirement.  This makes the tradeoff of pros versus cons
> > weigh massively against the DLE approach for our application.
> >
> >
> > Morgaine.
> >
> >
> > PS. With regards to "Networking code in every plugin just to connect to
> > the client", networking is made available by the operating system to
> > every process through system calls or system subroutines, ie. the
> > thinnest interface possible.  There is no bloat or overhead involved.
> > Particular languages sometimes pretty up the system interface a little,
> > but these bindings do not normally introduce any significant overhead.
> > Throughput and latency of socket communications is not a significant
> > issue either --- I've measured them in an environment which emulated
> > this design pattern, and the level of performance might even suit some
> > rendering tasks.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ======================================
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 2:19 AM, Ricky <
> > <>> wrote:
> >
> >     So far, barring any LL concepts, we have (as far as I know so far!)
> >     two designs of plugin system:
> >     1: Socket-based plugins - as suggested by Morgaine.
> >     2: D-Bus or similar existing IPC tool.
> >     3: C++ Dynamically Shared Objects - my suggestion.
> >
> >     Morgaine's design has a couple advantages that I can think of:
> >     Namely, a distinct lawyer-approved separation of code allowing the
> >     plugins to be released under different licenses, and a fairly stable
> >     target to design around, meaning the socket API wouldn't typically
> >     change a lot across releases, plugins also could be built into other
> >     external packages that interface with the socket API to provide
> >     massive amounts of integration.
> >     However, it's disadvantages come along: Networking code in every
> >     plugin just to connect to the client, separate processes that have
> >     to be launched by something - presumably the client code, but not
> >     always...
> >
> >     I'm not too sure about the D-Bus design, there hasn't been much
> >     discussion, other than it seems a lot like Morgaine's suggestion to
> >     me, just an available existent re-usable tool.  That can be a good
> >     thing, as we wouldn't have to worry about the protocol, it would be
> >     already done.
> >
> >     The last option is one I've seen references to across the 'net.  All
> >     that would be written in the client software is one or more
> >     Interface Objects (those familiar with polymorphic design are very
> >     familiar with these,) and then a list or two of these for different
> >     tasks.  For instance, one list could be for those that have
> >     registered themselves as Dynamic Script interpreters.  These
> >     Interfaces would then be implemented by all plugins, depending on
> >     what tasks the plugin was spec'd to handle.  Plugins would then be
> >     located in the plugins directory in the main install, and/or in a
> >     plugins directory under each profile.  They would be loaded
> >     automatically upon startup of the client, and their functions would
> >     be called upon event.  The event could be as simple as the last step
> >     in the render/update loops, or as detailed as when the user clicks
> >     or touches a keyboard button.  They also are given access to various
> >     commands they can call in the client.  The more the merrier.
> >       The advantages are that these marry right up to the client giving
> >     full-speed access, along with the ability to get into the
> >     nitty-gritty of the client's underpinnings.  Also an easier way to
> >     code for a lot of programmers (like myself) who, while having a
> >     passing familiarity with networking code, are not terribly
> >     interested in writing plugins as clients to the client....
> >     Disadvantages are a potential lock-in to the client's license,
> >     although I'm not sure about that, and the API could be easily
> >     changed while patching some other part of the client code.
> >
> >     Each has it's pro's and con's.  And my listing of such is by no
> >     means comprehensive!  I want to see this hashed out and the best
> >     over-all design get implemented: Client capabilities would soar
> >     fast, and be done in a very modular way improving SL massively.
> >
> >     Ricky
> >     Cron Stardust
> >
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