On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 15:09:37 -0400, "Kent Quirk (Q Linden)"
<q...@lindenlab.com> wrote:
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 2:41 PM, Marine Kelley wrote:
>> However it is true that LL has delivered a bad message recently, by
>> publishing the TPV and the closed-source SL 2.0 the SAME day. The TPV
>> burdens us developers while freeing LL's hands, and the viewer 2.0 is
>> going to be adopted by newcomers, so it will eventually get a broader
>> audience than the rest. It could very easily be seen as competition. It
>> looks very close to some "fire-and-motion" technique. They suppress
>> open-source development by laying unbelievably heavy requirements upon
>> the devs, while moving forward and releasing their own viewer which is
>> not subject to said requirements. I do hope I'm wrong and this is not
>> message that LL wanted to send to us. But one can understand why so
>> teeth are gritting now.
> What's frustrating about this for many of the Lindens is that we as an
> organization pushed hard -- and Merov in particular worked nights and
> weekends -- to get the Snowglobe source out on the same day that beta
> released, rather than waiting for our usual export process to work
> out while we figure out how to make a new source control system
> work for export. 
> We actually believed we were doing something the community would really
> appreciate

"believed" means you stopped thinking that? as part of this community,
I appreciated that.

> getting the source out there the same day as beta. And yet
> somehow that became something bad. People keep repeating that "it's
> source". 

well, "community" is a mysterious word.

for sure, here are FEW people who are VERY vocal.

and some of those people even claim they "talk 
for the community" - but this doesn't make it true. they
speak as members of the community, as I do.

let's count how many people kept repeating that
the viewer would have been closed source - and then 
let's compare that number with how many people read
this mailing list, and maybe with the number of people
who replies at least 1 time in the last year.

most people don't send replies just to say
"I agree" or "I'm fine with what it's going on".

what I see is that at least some serious developers
who actively contribute to the SL open development 
and/or to 3rd party viewers are NOT bashing LL for 
their strategy as other do. that makes me think.

opensource obscure
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