"Many coders would likely accept liability when being paid well, or possibly
at all. But in the case of open source code created as a hobby, the GPL idea
of no warranty has so far been successful in the community because code can
be inspected by its users, and because the users can verify, alter, and fix
any problems in it on their own, so they shouldn't claim fault on the
developer when it was their own choice to use the code. However, in LL's
case, they don't even get to choose whether they use your code. Anyone can
basically force it upon their service to feel the effects of using arbitrary
viewer code. Thus, since there is no choice, ultimately some liability is

Basically, consent does agree on both sides. LL is forced into the situation
by the nature of their service, and starting April 30th, developers consent
as well, if they wish to use the service.

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:57 AM, Gareth Nelson <gar...@garethnelson.com>wrote:

> The problem with that is a contract requires assent on both sides
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Discrete Dreamscape
> <discrete.dreamsc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It's possible to willingly agree to liability and wave whatever
> protections
> > you wish that are normally under the GPL, which seems to be what the TPV
> > asks you to do. The issue most people seem to have is that it's not
> explicit
> > in this regard and it also doesn't make it clear that it is a contract
> > between you and LL.
> >
> > On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Tigro Spottystripes
> > <tigrospottystri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >> from what i understand, according to GPL, developers and distributers of
> >> GPL'd stuff are _*NOT*_ liable for any GPL code they create, modify or
> >> distribute
> >>
> >> On 15/4/2010 12:28, Robert Martin wrote:
> >> > On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Gareth Nelson
> >> > <gar...@garethnelson.com> wrote:
> >> >> A quick note on that - this is not the whole meeting, some of the
> >> >> start was missing
> >> >>
> >> > suggestion for the next meeting MAKE IT TEXT CHAT ONLY.
> >> > how much of the meeting was lost to overhead related to voice links
> >> > getting garbled or relaying info being given in voice or a client
> >> > crashing or ...
> >> >
> >> > anyway i think that the core problem of the current TPVp is not
> >> > limiting the liability of a developer to 1 code he changed 2 fixing
> >> > bugs in said code so
> >> >
> >> > LL is only liable for Linden Core Code*
> >> > a TPV is only liable for code changed from LLC**
> >> > a user is liable for actions on the grid (and whatever changes done to
> >> > either LLC or TP code)
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> >>
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> >> jWsAn3i1Dpa0KjNrokHYukjq4YONoGcm
> >> =t1M5
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