The warranty disclaimer protects from liability for mistakes, not maliciousness

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 5:34 PM, Tayra Dagostino
<> wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 17:11:22 +0200
> Carlo Wood <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:28:00AM -0400, Robert Martin wrote:
>> > LL is only liable for Linden Core Code*
>> > a TPV is only liable for code changed from LLC**
>> > a user is liable for actions on the grid (and whatever changes done
>> > to either LLC or TP code)
>> That is nonsense! An open source developer can NOT bare the burden
>> of being legally liable for ANYTHING.
> so if i create a software and with few printf i broadcast a lot of
> harassment, injuries, falsity about you and i sign my software as GPL
> you cannot take me in front of a judges?
> or i write and distribute a software like worm, something written to
> nuke remote systems or ddos networks, i append GPL license to it and
> nobody can tell something to me?
> your fantastic world is very nice....
> GPL protect the software, not developers, "as is" and "no warranty" is
> about the requirement a user can ask to the developer, not about
> developer liability in front of him software...
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