I shall attempt to clarify my clarification.
I realize in point of fact that you are not 
saying that my current, login name, of Andromeda 
Quonset was going to change to something else.

What I was attempting to do was post what amounts to pseudocode.  My mistake.

What I said was if I set my DISPLAY NAME to "Andromeda DisplayName".

But, essentially, you are saying that if I set my 
display name to "Andromeda DisplayName", a script 
call to something like llDetectedName() is going 
to return "Andromeda Quonset" every time.  If I 
want something to return "Andromeda DisplayName", 
then it is going to have to be by using some new 
function we haven't seen such as llDetectedDisplayName().

You said that "* Scripts will work the same 
across all viewer versions. Scripts are server 
side. It does not matter which viewer you use."

I'm sure you are more aware of how the internals 
work than I do, but if scripts are server-side, 
and I am logged-in and interacting with a script 
that uses llDetectedDisplayName() (or 
llGetDisplayName), then it seems to me that what 
is returned to me would be whatever the 
server-side thinks my display name is, regardless 
of my being logged-in with viewer 1 or viewer 2, 
and regardless of which viewer the script writer 
was logged in with when compiled.

At 05:30 PM 8/17/2010, you wrote:
>* Scripts will work the same across all viewer 
>versions. Scripts are server side. It does not matter which viewer you use.
>* You will never be Andromeda DisplayName.

I was trying to use this as an example display name.

>* You will never be Andromeda Resident

I was also trying to use this as an example display name.

>* You will never be Andromeda.Quonset Resident

Well, that's good, because that looks ugly.

>* You will always be Andromeda Quonset to all 
>existing scripts and all scripts that do not use new DisplayName functions.

What I am concerned about is how scripts that use 
the new functions are going to work.

>* If you never use a new viewer and do not set a 
>display name you will always be Andromeda 
>Quonset to everyone else, no matter what viewer 
>they use. New llGetDisplayName function will 
>still return Andromeda Quonset. New 
>llGetUserName function may return  Andromeda.Quonset.

You are certain of this?  It was my understanding 
from the faq that if I don't set a display name, 
that the default will be "andromeda.quonset"
(Existing first name in all lower-case followed 
by a dot followed by existing last name all in lower-case)

My question about the functionality of scripts 
based on the viewer version is based on the 
history of some new functions that became 
available quite some time ago, and which 
functioned differently at runtime depending on 
which viewer one was logged in with, such as 
llDetectedTouchFace, which did require some 
viewer support to function correctly.

>* IF (and only IF) you use a new viewer AND set 
>a display name (lets say to "Andromeda") then 
>other people may see you as Andromeda. Any 
>scripts that do llGetDisplayName will get 
>Andromeda. If they do llKey2Name they will get 
>Andromeda Quonset. If they do llGetUserName they will get Andromeda.Quanset.
>* For a new user that registers as Joe1234 and sets their display name to Joe:
>llKey2Name will return Joe1234 Resident
>llGetUserName will return Joe1234
>llGetDisplayName will return Joe
>There is a big caveat here: It is possible the 
>LSL functions available that I see are not the 
>final versions or what will be released. But they should be very close.
>Ă‚ - Kelly

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