So, is it fixable?  Is there some way to change the Snowglobe login
channel?  Or can the server be configured to respond to the channel
Snowglobe already has?  Or is this just something Snowglobe users should
not care about?  For reals, it's not important, but i miss it, & the pics
are a nice touch.


- AK

On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 5:26 AM,  <> wrote:
> > Hey!  Um, i've been meaning to ask...  Why don't i ever get the login
> > screen pics with Snowglobe?  i just installed the latest release (1.5.0
> > 3625) from the website and still all i ever get are little arrow icons in
> > the middle of a black screen.  It's not all that important, i know, but
> > i've been missing them...  Is something broken, or is it me?

The login pictures are controlled by the login channel and grid that
is passed when requesting the background page. Snowglobe passes its
own login channel different to the main viewer which results in no
pictures. But the choice to send pictures or not, is server dependent.


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