Every emerald developer if free to join project viewer trunk and toss
patches (and not only developers from emerald)

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Il giorno 02/set/2010, alle ore 17:13, Talia Tokugawa
<talia.tokug...@googlemail.com> ha scritto:

> Hi, first post on this mailing list.
> So I wake up this morning and I Login to SL using Snowstorm and I am 
> instantly annoyed it's not Emerald. I got to thinking on the subject of 
> viewers, secondlife and the general usage thereof. There are many different 
> user types, new residents, power users, lindens, developers etc. Yet there 
> are only a limited number of Viewers and TPV that you can pick from. X number 
> of holes for a potentially unlimited number of blocks to fit into.
> I know this has been suggested before as friends have suggested it. Why not 
> make the viewer more Modular? Introduce a plugin architecture. Allow any user 
> to "build" their own client that fits their needs and requirements.
> If you look at the lists of features that are currently available to people 
> and then try fit them to the different user stories how do you justify that?
> So for example. We take a look at the "New Resident" profile. They arrive in 
> Second Life. No community gateway and only wiki/kb to assist them. They have 
> this big program to learn.. How much of this could be stripped out to plugins 
> to reduce the UI cliff that they have just ran into. Very simple starting 
> example here. LSL editor. How many users (not just new users) actually code? 
> This "program" could be taken out and made into a plugin. Likewise with the 
> edit windows. New users could quite happily do without having a full edit 
> window. Maybe just reduce that to a "fitting" window for attachments. Have a 
> basic window with Pos/Rot/Scale. Both these examples are something that 
> different user stories would need, but just confuse things for the new user, 
> then as the user becomes familiar with what they want they can get plugins to 
> enable them to take on different roles. Say then want to start making 
> attachments. They would goto the plugin repository and get the "advanced 
> edit" window. Later down the line they decide they want to get themselves 
> some land and do some landscaping they'd go back to the repository and get 
> themselves the "land tools" plugin.
> This is just a very simple case study for how this system would appear to the 
> users. I guess it wouldn't be to hard to supply clients with plugin bundles. 
> Different user profiles could get the basic stripped down vanilla client with 
> a specific set of plugins tailored to their requirements, going right through 
> to a full official client with all the plugins to have a client that is as 
> capable as the current clients.
> I think given this structure, third party plugins over third party viewers 
> would become far more common place. If you look through the feature requests 
> list for snowstorm. Half the items on that list are features that come direct 
> from Emerald.
> In terms of keeping an eye on things it would be a lot easier for LL too. If 
> a system were set in place where the source of the plugins were uploaded to 
> LL for addition into the plugin repository the Labs could check through the 
> code before compiling and getting the LL seal of approval. As opposed to the 
> current system of TPV where a new viewer is compiled by one person from a 
> team and the whole system relies on trust of that one person (ref. emerald).
> Anyways, my two pence on the whole viewer thing ;)
> Talia
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