On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:04 AM, Lance Corrimal
<lance.corri...@eregion.de> wrote:
> Am Freitag, 15. Oktober 2010, 10:00:44 schrieb Rob Nelson:
>>   So basically, LL decided to go from simply changing the formatting of
>> their logs to (if what I am hearing is correct), of all things, LLSD XML
>> notation, possibly the worst formatting of log possible?
>> Has ANYONE over there at LL looked at the sheer amount of overhead LLSD
>> produces? We'll have log folders that are larger in size than our cache
>> folders.

My log folder is a whopping 35MB after almost 4 years. LLSD would have
to be very inefficient in order for my log directory to over take the
cache directory within the next decade.

>> "[{TIME}] {DISPLAY NAME} ({REAL.NAME}) says: {STUFF}" would have been
>> MORE than sufficient for logging purposes.
> what about sticking to the old format (i.e. without the "says" unless its a
> shout or a whisper)?
> as it used to be..?

I'll play devil's advocate and say llsd isn't that far off from this.
It's definitely more verbose, but the main difference is the UUID
instead of LOGNAME. Here's an actual line from my log file.

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