On 2010-10-15 19:22, Boroondas Gupte wrote:
On 10/16/2010 12:59 AM, SuezanneC Baskerville wrote:
What happened to that jira issue? It appears to have been moved to SEC or something like that.
It has been moved to DN-179 <https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/DN-179>. (I guess "DN" stands for "display names".) Why we can't see that jira project although display names has been on Aditi for some while now, I don't know.

The fact that it became invisible when assigned to the development team is a configuration error. I've put in a request for a fix, and expect that it will be done in the next few days (the person who normally makes such changes returns from vacation on Monday, I think).

As Boroondas noted, the part of that issue that broke the creation of personal chat logs has been fixed and integrated into the current development viewer.

The issue of whether or not to create .txt and/or .llsd logs is being tracked separately:


Please don't add comments to that issue that amount to just agreeing with or disagreeing with one or another of the points already made there (this list is an ok place for that, if you feel you must do it somewhere). The Jira tracker isn't a forum, and comments like that don't add much value. The various points of view are pretty well represented there now.
This issue won't be dropped... watch this thread and the issue for updates.

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