On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Nicky D. <sl.nicky...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> But I just *run* snowstorm under gdb by setting LL_WRAPPER. I have not
> one breakpoint
> set, neither do I interrupt the program at all.
> I just use the viewer and it will just lock up the whole X display
> sooner or later.
> When I use the viewer without gdb all is fine, no crashes, hang, all good.

That is not normal... My X display did lock up too.. until I replaced
my videocard ;)
If you just let it run, then there is no reason for it to hang X imho :/.
But if it only happens when you run gdb and not otherwise... I don't know.
Sounds like a software problem then though.
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