Unless it can be made available cross platform I don't see a reason to
favor one over another.  Personally I use Eclipse and LSLPlus and the
internal editor for debug tweaks or quick hacks.  

Maybe an alongside download or a link on the dev page.  But I wouldn't
think bundling it with the viewer makes sense unless the code is donated
to the project and made to work cross platform. That is, it becomes the
standard LSL editor for everyone.


On Thu, 2011-04-21 at 15:23 -0400, Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence) wrote: 
> On 2011-04-21 14:08, Brandon Husbands wrote:
> > Hey all i own the rights to the source for the LSLEditor.
> > It is publicly GPL but i can license it to ll under any terms they want.
> >
> > Since the external editor feature is ebing added it would be a good 
> > idea to deploy that with it.
> > whatcha think?
> Your timing is amazing... I'd been meaning to talk to you about that...
> I confess to not having tried it yet - what say you, Community ?
> Without making any commitments about what will happen - should we make 
> it available as an optional component?
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