On Tue, 23 Aug 2011 00:24:09 +0200
Altair "Sythos" Memo <syt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> this is a pulseaudio mis-use

How so, the functionality is built into pulseaudio.

> duplex audio isn't suitable for voice+audio (capture+output) on same
> channel (this happen on SL, like OpenArena VoiceChat or all other
> software where you select same device for in+out without setup a
> virtual device each application), 

Combined sink is a virtual device.

> you must use composite (input on a virtuald evice and output on
> another virtual device, maybe same physical device).

Perhaps you didn't understand, I effectively have two sound cards.
The motherboard audio has the only input, but I also have HDMI out
via my GT220.

> This isn't a SL related problem IMHO

More Vivox related, but SL's own sounds, both environmental and media
streams work fine with combined sink.  Voice input isn't affected,
only output.


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