On 09/29/2011 03:17 AM, Andrew Leonard wrote:
> anyone know how to fix this? i been trying all day no one is even nice
> enough in groups to help
On 09/29/2011 07:16 AM, Andrew Leonard wrote:
> i been working on this for over 8hrs i have path the location of the
> lib and uninstalled everything and reinstalled everything again still
> same error anyone have any idea's? 

For us to be able to help you, please provide as much information about
the error you observed as possible. Especially what operating system
(e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOS) you were using and what version of it and
of the Second Life Viewer. (Assuming, as you ask here, that this error
occurred with the Second Life Viewer, not another program.)

As this is actually not a support channel but a developers' mailing
list, please also state whether you were seeing this error with a stock
download of the Viewer or with the Viewer built yourself from source (or
both.) If you've built from source, what revision of the source code
were you using? And did you use it un-altered or with modifications of
your own?

Further, it'd be useful to know how and where the error appeared: Was it
a message window popping up or something on the console output? Were
there warnings preceding the error in the logs/output? Did the error
occur during installation or when starting the application or somewhen
while running it? If the latter, what are the steps to reproduce it?

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