On Sun, 17 Feb 2013 16:08:37 +0100, Martin Fürholz wrote:

> Hello Henri,
> thank you for your video.
> I was able to 'kind-of' reproduce it partially in LL Viewer 3.4.5 (270263). 
> The prim doesn't visually resize to it's full size, it's 10% smaller than it 
> should be until I zoom out and back it.

In fact, something could well influence this bug: the frame rate...
The higher the frame rate, and the most likely the buggy test will
fail in updateXform() (since the prim is smoothly resized server-side
and viewer-side, at high frame rate, the scale difference between the
current and the past frame will be (worngly) considered neglectable
because of that buggy test)...
Since I've got frame rates in the 100+ (up to 200 FPS with the Cool VL
Viewer in that skybox where I made the video), I'm probably more
impacted than someone with 20 FPS...

> I will try to fix that and update the repository. Tyvm.


> I cannot find a Jira issue for that bug, could you please file one?

Sorry, I stopped using the JIRA for reporting viewer bugs (I keep
using it for server bugs, since there's no other channel to do it
for them) after LL closed it, making it impossible for anyone else
than the JIRA issue creator and Lindens to read the reports...

I don't have time to loose, and I lost enough time and energy on
this issue already (especially for something so trivial !).

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