On Mon, 5 Oct 2015 17:33:03 +0200, Latif Khalifa wrote:

> AISv3 is new.

I backported it to the Cool VL Viewer back on 2014-03-15... Not *that*
new any more.

> There is no "upstream" to port from (like viewer devs do). Also this
> restriction is on one grid only. Join #opensim-dev on freenode if
> you want to ask people about current limitations of OpenSim.

If you guys break protocols that were specified by LL for SL, or
create new protocols, and wish having the viewers supporting your
sims, I'd suggest you to use an "information push" approach, instead
of awaiting for TPV developpers to "pull" info from you.
I always tried to support OpenSIM to the best in my viewer, but it
has always been a big PITA, due to the total lack of documentation
and information from OpenSim developers.

'nuff said.

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