
Here is an update about CEF3 for Linux and Windows VS2010 builds.

Since the (VS2013) Windows plugin moved to CEF v3.2526, so did I for
the Linux and VS2010 plugins.

You will find:
- The rebuilt CEF 3.2526 Linux package (identical to the package
  from but built without tcmalloc) here:
  There is also a text file (cef-rebuild-steps-2526.txt) with the
  recipe for rebuilding CEF3 yourself, if you really want to loose
  your time (3H of download, 12H of compilation, quite a few

- The llceflib packages for Linux and Windows/VS2010 here:
  (there is also a repackaged MacOS-X package, identical to LL's but
  with fixes to llceflib.h (structure/class members shall not be
  initialized in the structure/class declaration !!!) that allows gcc
  to compile it: useful if you are still compiling viewer binaries
  with older Xcode versions which made use of gcc).

- The diff showing what needed to be modified in and added to LL's
  llceflib in order to build the Linux and VS2010 versions here:

- The diff between the non-CEF and CEF versions of the Cool VL Viewer,

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