On Tue, 17 May 2016 16:32:01 -0700, Callum Prentice (Callum) wrote:

> Understood Nicky - thanks for the insight.
> Messages here as well as some digging I've done today suggest that
> trying to make GStreamer work on Windows is going to be fraught with
> technical and legal issues.

Technical, maybe. As pointed out by Nicky, the main annoyances with
gstreamer are: 1. the amount of additional libraries that would have
to be bundled together with the viewer, and: 2. the runtime symbol
resolution and DSO loading which complicates the plugin code, but
since that plugin code exists already, point 2 is in fact already

As for the legal side, I see no difference between all possible
solutions: should there be an issue with a particular CODEC because
of patents, then this issue would be the same with vlc, gstreamer,
quicktime, media player, CEF, etc, etc...

> I'll double check with the legal team but it seems like VLC might be
> a more viable option right now given our limited resources.

I think that Nicky is mistaken by thinking that, because the LGPLed
plugin code would have to use a GPL CODEC, then that CODEC DSO/library
won't be usable: what counts, regarding the viewer code license, is the
actual code of the viewer, not the license of the libraries that it
uses (else, a GPL software won't be able to use Windows DLLs, for
example, i.e. it won't be possible to use any GPL software on a closed
source operating system).

I do think your legal team provided you with the right answer: there
is no issue whatsoever, be it gstreamer, vlc (or any other (L)GPL

This said, I'm pretty neutral about the final, adopted solution
(gstreamer or vlc); I initially pointed gstreamer as "the way to go"
because the gstreamer plugin code already existed and was functional
(and is still used) for Linux, and pre-built gstreamer libraries/SDK
also existed for Windows.

My only wish is that the final solution will be adopted (and
implemented !) for all OSes (Linux included) so that we get an uniform
way to deal with media and avoid incompatibility issues (for example,
in your vlc-enabled test viewer, you added code to invert upside down
the media textures on shared media object faces, something that would
be incompatible with the current gstreamer plugin).

> Great idea re: CEF too - that'd be a huge win.  Building Chromium
> then CEF with the flags enabled seems pretty daunting though and I
> think requires some serious hardware/RAM - has anyone tried that ?

I did build CEF under Linux (for both 32 and 64 bits) because of the
tcmalloc issue with CEF prebuilt packages for this OS; clearly, it was
a major PITA...
I was however unaware of these particular flags: if anyone could give
me pointers (i.e. what flags to enable and how), I could give it a try
and report how easy (or rather, how painful) it would be to rebuild CEF
with them, and could provide you with a "recipe", like that one:


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