Apple is pretty predictable in how they announce changes to their code. Every 
summer, at the WWDC, they announce a slew of changes that will be introduced 
throughout the next year. They also announce deprecated technologies, which 
usually takes 3-5 years to completely be unsupported. 
They also often set some long term directions in the form of introduction of 
new platforms such as tvOS, technologies such as the Swift language, or changes 
of underlying hardware such as the change from Motorola 68k to PowerPC, and 
from PowerPC to Intel processors. 

That is the ebb and flow of developing for macOS (iOS is even a notch faster.) 

If your livelihood depends on customers paying for the platform you provide, 
and a portion of the paying customers accesses your platform via a macOS 
client, you better follow this ebb and flow, or it will eventually impact your 
bottom line. 

For the TPV developers, they probably could care less on the monetary aspect of 

Right now, perhaps the most profound long term technology direction is that 
Objective-C will completely be replaced by Swift in their codebase.

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