On 2016-10-26 18:17 , Nicky Perian wrote:
Starting to dabble a bit with p64_3p-zlib.
At autobuild build --address-size 32
../build-cmd.sh: line 44: AUTOBUILD_WIN_CMAKE_GEN: unbound variable

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

We do plan to document this on the wiki soon - we've been waiting until we've successfully built the viewer in the new structure (we're close!).

As part of the 64 bit project, we've been revamping a bunch of the build infrastructure to make it easier to build large numbers of related projects with common options. The key to this is that we've added a new argument to the autobuild source_environment subcommand:

   usage: autobuild source_environment [-h] [-V] [-n] [-q] [-v] [-d]
                                        [-p PLATFORM] [-A {32,64}]
                                        [varsfile] [BUILDTYPE]

   prints out the shell environment for Autobuild-based buildscripts to
   use (by
   calling 'eval' i.e. eval "$(autobuild source_environment)").

   positional arguments:
      varsfile              Local sh script in which to find essential
                            variable settings (default from
                            $AUTOBUILD_VARIABLES_FILE), e.g. a checkout of
      BUILDTYPE             Release, RelWithDebInfo or Debug [no
   default]: if
                            specified, requests shortened names for
                            environment variables specific to this

   optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
      -n, --dry-run         run tool in dry run mode if available
      -q, --quiet           minimal output
      -v, --verbose         verbose output
      -d, --debug           debug output
      -p PLATFORM, --platform PLATFORM
                            may only be the current platform or
   "common" (useful
                            for source packages)
      -A {32,64}, --address-size {32,64}
                            specify address size (modifies platform)

To use this, check out a copy of the viewer-build-variables repository:


and set the environment variable AUTOBUILD_VARIABLES_FILE to point to viewer-build-variables/variables.

OZ LINDEN | Engineering Director, Second Life
email or hangouts: o...@lindenlab.com <mailto:o...@lindenlab.com> | Real Life: Scott Lawrence
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