On 2020-02-07 20:52, Henri Beauchamp wrote:
> [rant]
> You can thank LL for not providing support for Linux; while they 
> benefit
> for free from all the work done by GNU/Linux developers and while SL
> won't even exist without their work (especially on the server side of
> things, but even the viewer is using a shitload of Open Source 
> components
> that have been primarily developed under and for GNU/Linux).
> That's how LL is repaying the Open Source community when they could
> just "devote" one developer to simply reuse the work TPV developers did
> for Linux, and provide a Linux supported viewer.
> Hell !  I've been maintaining (and vastly improving) my own viewer (and
> not just for Linux) for the past 13 years, alone, and only on part of 
> my
> sparse free time: don't tell me a programmer at LL cannot maintain a
> Linux viewer: all what it would take them (once their viewer is brought
> on par with TPVs' Linux support) is just a couple of hours of work *per
> week* !
> [/rant]

Agreed 100%

Though I have given up hope of LL ever changing their stance (based on 
some recent events). I wont say anymore because the temptation to also 
start a rant of my own on the subject is there. I think you pretty much 
covered it.

Maybe one day pigs will fly and LL will go back to providing a Linux 


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