OpenSSL version 0.9.2b released

  OpenSSL - The Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS

  The OpenSSL project team is pleased to announce the release of version
  0.9.2b of our open source toolkit for SSL/TLS.  This new OpenSSL version
  incorporates over 130 changes and bugfixes to the toolkit (for a complete
  list see

  The most significant changes are:

    o Fixed a security hole related to session resumption
    o Fixed RSA encryption routines for the p < q case
    o "ALL" in cipher lists now means "everything except NULL ciphers"
    o Support for Triple-DES CBCM cipher
    o Support of Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) for RSA
    o First support for new TLSv1 ciphers
    o Added a few new BIOs (syslog BIO, reliable BIO)
    o Extended support for DSA certificate/keys.
    o Extended support for Certificate Signing Requests (CSR)
    o Initial support for X.509v3 extensions
    o Extended support for compression inside the SSL record layer
    o Overhauled Win32 builds
    o Cleanups and fixes to the Big Number (BN) library
    o Support for ASN.1 GeneralizedTime
    o Split ASN.1 SETs from SEQUENCEs
    o ASN1 and PEM support for Netscape Certificate Sequences
    o Overhauled Perl interface
    o Lots of source tree cleanups.
    o Lots of memory leak fixes.
    o Lots of bug fixes.

  We consider OpenSSL 0.9.2b to be the best version of OpenSSL available and
  we strongly recommend that users of older versions, especially of old SSLeay
  versions, upgrade as soon as possible.  OpenSSL 0.9.2b is available for
  download via HTTP and FTP from the following master locations (the various
  FTP mirrors you can find under


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