Hi there,

as I am now starting serious work on the extended EVP interface I have a

  Is there any serious reason why the headers use a unfolded prototype
  definition like

    #ifndef NOPROTO
    int foo(char* bar);
    int foo()

  instead of a folded one akin to the GNU style:

    #ifdef NOPROTO
    #define _P(proto) ()
    #define _P(proto) (proto)

    int foo _P(char* bar);

  which I personally find a lot easier to read and also shortens the
header file

  If there is no reason not to do so I would start with evp.h 

mfg lutz
Lutz Behnke                             Tel.:   040 / 766 29 1423
TC TrustCenter for Security             Fax.:   040 / 766 29 577
in Data Networks GmbH                   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Am Werder 1    
21073 Hamburg, Germany

S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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