Hi! For those who dare:-) With all my "LP64 woes" patches applied drop following into Configure and experience the power of 64 bits computing with UltraSPARC. "solaris64-usparc-cc","cc:-xtarget=ultra -xarch=v9 -Xa -xO5 -xdepend -xstrconst -DB_ENDIAN:\ -lsocket -lnsl:\ SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG RC4_CHAR DES_PTR DES_INT DES_RISC1 DES_UNROLL BF_PTR:::", This is a *preliminary* line. I haven't expilcitely checked if all the macros are optimal yet, but it does pass 'make test'. Yes, SC 5.0 and Solaris7/64 are required. Naturally:-) Cheers. Andy. ______________________________________________________________________ OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org Development Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED] Automated List Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]