Oscar wrote:
> Does anybody knows what does idx means here:
>   PKCS7_get_issuer_and_serial(PKCS7 *p7, int idx)
> I have to use it but i don't do it ok because I don't understand.
> Thank's

It seems to only work for signed and enveloped data. There isn't a
function which returns just this structure so you'll need to look into
the internals of structures.


infos = PKCS7_get_signer_info(p7);

We now have sk_PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO(infos) signer info structures (usually
there will be at most one). You can access each with:

PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO *sinfo = sk_PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_value(infos, idx);

where idx runs from zero to sk_PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO(infos) - 1.

The PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL structure is then at

This isn't very portable because later if we want to handle the S/MIME
v3 structures there may not even be an issuer and serial number
structure present.

Dr Stephen N. Henson.   http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/
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