Hello Again:

Having done a top level rebuild the problem I described earlier
went away. I'm now back to the real issue of why B_DecryptFinal() 
would return an invalid data error (0x20c) when decrypting data 
encrypted by a PKCS11 token?

This occurs during the key exchange handshake in SSL3 when a weak
crypto client talks to a strong crypto server. The decryption works
when using software signing and the token is able to decrypt data sent
to it from the browser (e.g. when talking strong to strong where the 
handshake is not executed), so I'm pretty sure the problem is specific
to the decryption of hardware encrypted data. I'd further speculate that
the problem is something to to with some an incompatable data encoding but
then I don't see why the token would be able to decrypt client encrypted
data. The key type is RSA and the mechanism is CKM_RSA_PKCS. The problem
occurs with both Chrysalis and nCipher tokens on NT and Solaris.
Any solution pointers are greatly appreciated.


Eric Gilbertson
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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