Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:
Hallo Richard,

> From: Goetz Babin-Ebell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> gbe> Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:

> gbe> Agree,
> gbe> but a seperate function for user autentification would be good...
> Exactly what do you mean?  If it's the separation between strings,
> passphrases and file (and whatever), it's still just a string, with
> the only real difference that prompting for a password requires no
> echo.

It is more a logical than a technical difference.

Autentication is a special and very importand dialog.
I wanted to seperate it from the normal flow of IO at the earliest
possible moment.

> gbe> But will the generated string fit the output ?
> gbe> A PIN Pad with a 16x2 LCD requires another layout than a GUI...
> Hmm, good point.  Perhaps one should have the applicatoin check the
> maximum size and have it adapt?

Best place for these checks is the UI... ;-)
> gbe> > gbe> >         - a "wrong" string (eh, "That was the wrong password", f. 
> gbe> > gbe> should be handled in the UI (another call ?)
> gbe> >
> gbe> > Really?  And how would it determine if something was previously wrong?
> gbe> > I was thinking of the UI as a pretty stateless thingy.  A bit
> gbe> > according to the KISS principle.
> gbe> Another Message ?
> gbe>    UI_GetAut(TXT_AUT_CLIENT,...)
> gbe>    UI_GetAut(TXT_AUT_LASTTRY,...)
> I'm not sure I got that.  For example, you might want to include an
> error text in a prompt dialog box, a little like the default XDM login
> screen works (it will say that you weren't authenticated and at the
> same time prompt again).  That's why I think the prompting routines
> need to know about that info as well...

The UI should be stateless.
But the message could have a state.

-> "please enter user/passphrase"
-> "authentication failed. please retry:"
> gbe> > gbe> const char *UI_GetTextFor(MessageCode,SubCode);
> gbe> >
> gbe> > Eeeep, localization...  Just the thought...  No, it's not a bad idea,
> [...]
> gbe> I know...
> gbe> But the UI seems to be a good place to start...
> Hmm, true...  Gotta learn how those things work (is there a standard
> at all?)

One ? ...

> gbe> 1. user authentication (pass phrase, PIN,...)
> Check.
> gbe> 2. new user authentification (new pass prase, with verify)
> Ah...  check.
> gbe> 3. give some information about the current state
> Check.
> gbe> What else ?
> Doesn't have to be decided all at once, there's room for extensions...

Wan't my intention.
But missing something now...



Goetz Babin-Ebell, TC TrustCenter GmbH,
Sonninstr. 24-28, 20097 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49-(0)40 80 80 26 -0,  Fax: +49-(0)40 80 80 26 -126
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