Gary Feldman schrieb:
> specified in C.  You can implement your own particular BIO (analogous to
> deriving an implementation class from an abstract class), by providing the
> following functions (i.e. methods).  Since this is C and not C++, you have
> to make the methods available as follows...., and you have to explicitly
> create (i.e. construct) and free (i.e. destroy)....
> Note that the existing ssleay.txt already uses the term "method" but doesn't
> really make the connection to the OO concept explicit.

There are other places, where such concpets are used, not just
in BIOs. Just have a look at the struct RSA to keeping different
methods in RSA_METHOD struct. Perhaps this concept should be 
mentioned in a general intro section?

Holger Reif                  Tel.: +49 361 74707-0
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