On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, Libor Krystek wrote:

> I'am creating new engine for other hardware. This hardware must be
> initialized before using but for its initialization I need input some
> parameters (e.g. hostname, username, password).
> Function ENGINE_init(ENGINE *e) call engine function init() and it have
> no input parameters.
> How can I do it? Do you have any conception?


make your "init()" handler fail (setting an explanatory error) unless
ENGINE_ctrl() has already been called to pass in everything you need.

ENGINE_init() is used to get a "functional" reference, not just a
"structural" one. Eg. ENGINE_by_id() returns only a structural reference -
so using that you can call ENGINE_ctrl() to initialise whatever you need.
It is only when a structural reference is required that the ENGINE's
"init" handler will be called to try and make the ENGINE actually get
ready to work. This typically happens by calling ENGINE_init() directly,
or something implicit like "ENGINE_set_default()" that requires the ENGINE
be "working". For structural references, the ENGINE's own functions are
never called - that's so that you can still look around the various
ENGINEs available even though many of them won't be supported on your host
system (because of lack of drivers, vendor libraries, etc).

Does that answer your question?


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