Hi, I'm graduated student of Seoul, Korea.
I am now doing some term project in my lab to construct small system that can be used in internet banking.
Using openssl-0.95a, I could construct most part of it.
Using openssl's crytpo as a library, and converting the test program to interface...that's what I use the openssl.
But I now have difficulty in verifying the x.509 certificate.
To show users the content of certificate, extracting some contents(such as subject name, Issurer name, etc...) should be needed.
I've studied x509.c and SSLeay Documentation for sometimes..but couldn't I catch the concept of how to use it.
Would I ask a favour of you to make some sample of extracting x509 contents?
I made a applet of showing subject name and issurer name.
So, I should extract at least above two contents from the certificate.
It will be a great help to me to show some sample of using some x509 functions or where the sample codes are.
I hope you will make some favourable answer to this letter.

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